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Домашнє насильство в родинах ветеранів АТО: міфи та реальність

Violence in ATO veterans’ families: myths and specific manifestations. How to preclude violence? What to do if you find yourself in such a situation? Where to go for help and advice?

Домашнє насильство в родинах ветеранів АТО: міфи та реальність
Орієнтовний час читання: 1 хвилин

This is what our project of social-and-psychological support, “Fulcrums”, is about.

“La Strada-Ukraine” public organization collects statistics about requests from victims of violence. According to this data, in 2016, 20 percent of all signals about violence in families were about violence in families of the military.

Practical advice on how to cope with the problem of violence in families, if it arises after the return of a man or a woman from ATO, was provided by Tetyana Sirenko, a psychologist  of the “Dzherelo Zhyttya” (“Source Of Life”) Center for medical-and-psychological help, and military volunteer Natalka Sonechko. In particular, Tetyana Sirenko discusses why family violence may appear after people have gone through combat.


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