На непідконтрольних територіях Донбасу фактично племінний устрій, — політолог

Oleh Saakyan, a political scientist, head of the Joint Co-ordination Center,  a platform for social and humanitarian initiatives, shares his vision.


According to the expert, three “castes” coexist on the occupied territories of Ukraine, if distinguished according to their legal situation. Most people are in the extra-legal situation, i.e. these people have no rights. There is a middle layer: people who live by law; and people who are above law, those who can do everything.   Most people belong to the first category. These people can be taken “to the cellar” for anything, and they are in no way protected. Curfew, for instance. If “the rightless” go to the street during curfew, anything can happen to them.  

Oleh Saakyan remarked that for the successful re-integration of people on the occupied territories two things need to be done: safety, i.e. order; and some minimum social and economic provision. One should proceed from this while constructing messages, sense constructs, and those should be delivered every which way possible.



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