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Психолог должен открыть в человеке силу самому решать свои проблемы — психологи

The expert stressing that a psychologists open up clients’ own potentials to solve their problems

Психолог должен открыть в человеке силу самому решать свои проблемы — психологи

Lyudmyla Hrydkovets, Cand.Sc. in Psychologhy, a practicing psychologist, explained differences between psychology, psychotherapy, and psychiatry. She told what requests in which cases are addressed to respective specialists. The expert stressed that a psychologist opens up clients’ own potentials to solve their problems.

Natalya Zaretska started as a volunteer in psychology, and now she represents the Directorate on ATO veterans’ and participants’ affairs at the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. Ms Zaretska explained how the system of providing psychology services develops at the state level.

Kostyantyn Vinnychenko, an ATO veteran and head of “Yednist Pobratymiv” (“Unity of Brothers-in-Arms”) Charity Foundation, shed his personal experience of adapting. He emphacised how important support of their brothers-in-arms and families is for the military.

За підтримки

Точки опори

Точки опори

Цей матеріал було створено за підтримки International Medical Corps та JSI Research & Training Institute, INC, завдяки грантовій підтримці USAID. Погляди та думки, висловлені в цьому матеріалі, не повинні жодним чином розглядатися як відображення поглядів чи думок всіх згаданих організацій.

This material has been produced with the generous support of the International Medical Corps and JSI Research & Training Institute, INC. through a grant by United States Agency for International Development. The views and opinions expressed herein shall not, in any way whatsoever, be construed to reflect the views or opinions of all the mentioned organizations.


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