Як на окупованих територіях вберегти дітей від пропаганди в школах і дитсадках? Поради психолога

This was the subject matter of what was said during the  broadcast by politologist Oleh Saakyan in the “Fulcrums” project, as well as by Oleksandr Potyeryakhin, psychologist and President of the Ukrainian Association of non-instrumental detection of lies.  The conversation started with a discussion on defining notions “ideology”, “propaganda”, and “manipulation”. According to Potyeryakhin, manipulation always has negative connotation as it is a hidden influence performed in the interests of those who manipulate and, as a rule, not to the benefit (and sometimes to the damage) of those who are being manipulated.

The specalists added that a person becomes notably more yielding to the influence of propaganda and manipulation in the state of fear and concern, so this is why the creation of the public state of indifference and the feeling of danger is one of the tools of strengthening propaganda.  In the end, Oleksandr Potyeryakhin and Oleh Saakyan provided several pieces of advice how to protect children on the front line.

Besides, the show featured a package by Valentyna Troyan where she explored views and moods of Ukraine’s citizens in the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. In her research, the journalist proceded from the data received by adviser to the Minister of information policy, Dmytro Tkachenko.




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