Від концтабору до Революції Гідності: «Київська колекція» художників

Diana Klochko designed the art edition “Kyiv collection” and in the Fall, there will be a pubishing event on the release of the edition “The Spirit and the Letter”. It will demonstrate the traumatic historical events through peoples’ experiences, combined with the coloured decorations of Ukrainian art. 

On the 11th of September, starting at 15: 30 at the Palace of Potocki in Kyiv, there will be an art gallery titled, “Repression of Jewish characters in monumental art in USSR in the second half of the twentieth century.” The art will be feautued by Pinzel to Babi Yar. “The discussion will be moderated by Diana Klochko, Taras Wozniak and Andrew Pavlyshyn.

The program was created with the support of the Ukrainian Jewish Encounter.

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