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Наше тіло не досконале, усе залежить від кута зору — як блогерка власними фото розвінчує міфи про інстаграм-позування


Пам’ятаю, коли була підлітком, зовсім юною, у період років 11-14, переглядаючи жіночі журнали (як ми тоді їх називали), я просто була вражена тим, наскільки ідеальними є дівчата і жінки на сторінках. Моє наївне дитяче серце відкидало будь-яку ймовірність того, що тут є обман або маніпуляція.

Я ще не знала, що таке фотокорекція, а фотошоп ще тільки з’являвся. Я не розуміла, що є виставляння світла, прийоми фотографів, ретуш та безліч засобів, які робили ці ідеально білі зуби, глянцеву шкіру без єдиної чорної цятки чи судинки біля носа.

  • І, звісно, єдині висновки, які робила — я неправильна, не така. Ну чому я не маю настільки перфектної шкіри, чому?

Із віком усе це перестало мати значення. Становлення особистості, цифрове сторіччя, і вже складно знайти підлітків, які би не знали про всі ці викрутаси. А згодом журнали зобов’язали вказувати біля фотографій, що на знімку присутня обробка фотошопом.

Рух рlussize набрав сили, і вже мало кого здивує, що жінки з більшими об’ємами стали з’являтися на обкладинках. Світ дізнається, що, о неймовірно! — у людей є розтяжки, і ми не повинні вкривати своє тіло до кінця наших днів, якщо вони у нас з’явилися (міф, про те, що стриї бувають тільки у вагітних жінок потроху зникає).

А тепер ще й VOGUE, який публікує номер зі 100 обкладинками, на кожній із яких без фільтрів молоді, літні, різних форм і відтінків шкіри жінки, серед яких Сінді Кроуфорд без фотошопу, — вона постаріла, вона виглядає натуральною і такою ж прекрасною, репрезентує для жінок свого ж віку те, що зустрічати роки з гідністю і не соромитися цього, — природно, і врешті, трендово!

Працювати над собою, своїм здоров’ям і тілом — круто і правильно. Не бути ідеальною і подібною до когось — так само!

  • Світ змінюється, і нарешті, з ним змінюються, вже не «стандарти краси», а саме поняття про їхню відсутність. Краса, це ти, твоє тіло, твоя душа. І ми можемо бути неідеальними.

Водночас існує і інший вимір — інстаграм-культура «ідеальних дівчат» в ідеальних позах, що транслюють ідеальне життя. Про це вже сказано й написано немало, але досі є потреба розвінчувати міфи про те, що «ідеальні ніжки/стегна/животи/груди» подекуди лише кут зору і вміле позування.

Одна з таких блогерок, хто власними фото показує, як усе залежить від кута зору — Дана Мерсер, Instagram аудиторія якої налічує 1,8 млн читачів.

Вона публікує фото, де завдяки різним позуванням її тіло виглядає зовсім різним чином. Зокрема, на фото, що відображає «як насправді все це може виглядати», вона демонструє і целюліт, і вікові зміни шкіри, і зовсім відмінний від «ідеального» тонус м’язів.

Чи переконає хтось мене чи її, що на двох різних фото вона неоднаково прекрасна?



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What you see vs what you don’t / or shoutout to all my gals trying to LOVE themselves, because that stuff is HARD sometimes. Especially with SOCIAL MEDIA And all those picture perfect moments staring right back at us. BOTH of these snaps are me. And both are worthy. And both are great. But sometimes, Sometimes, I still struggle with the one on the right. The one where my cellulite shows. And my belly rolls and my skin folds — something it’s doing more now that I’m getting older. But that struggle? That quiet internal battle? That’s ok. That’s human. The diet industry is strong and powerful, And it’s got some $72 billion behind it. Plus so many of us women are told our worth sits in the way we look, A line that we’re fed from the time we’re little girls. So yeah. SELF LOVE is complex And change won’t happen overnight. But we can start. We can try. We can step out on the beach and POSE to our lil heart’s content then RELAX will full belly laughs and happy squishy bodies. Or wear those shorts. Or try that Polefit class. We can celebrate our bodies for ALL that they are and all they do, Even as we open ourselves up to the real, glorious glow-up of SELF LOVE. We can shoutout each other along the way. Women empowering women, Even as we learn to celebrate ourselves. We can. You got this. x Photo @chiclebelle je l’adore. #selflove #selfacceptance #instavsreality #angles #posing

Допис, поширений Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer)


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Cowgirl, WEAR those shorts even if your knees are knobby. Wear that BIKINI even if your bumbum has cellulite. And rock those quirky lil hairstyles even if you’re over 20. Forget the ‘rules’. It’s YOU do YOU. NOT you do them. Growing up, I always tried to play by the rules: Wear this, not that. Get rid of that cellulite. Hide those stretchmarks. Eat this. Don’t ever eat that. I never thought to question where those rules came from. Or who the ‘they’ was that seemed to be making all the decisions. Now in my 30s, things have changed. I’m leaning more into the woman I WANT to be, And not the person others tell me to become. I’ve realized that ultimately, ‘they’ will never be fully satisfied. But that I can be. And that when I’m my most authentic self, it’s easier to love all the parts of me. Even the vulnerable and wiggly and jiggly bits. Today, I just wanted to remind you: This life we have here? It’s not a rehearsal. It’s the real deal, the main act. And it’s far, far too short to waste being a watered down version of ourselves. Or shrinking all that we are to meet the standards of some ever-changing rules. So get out there. Get out there in whatever way feels right to you. Let yourself show up. Let yourself be seen. You’re worth it. And we’ll be cheering you on every step of the way. You got this. x

Допис, поширений Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer)


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The angle you see VS the one you don’t (with Koala kitten as a bonus) / or let’s talk BOYFRIENDS. In the last six months, I’ve been DMed multiple times by gals telling me they’ve shown their partner my photos. ‘And he thought it wasn’t the SAME PERSON!’ They add. A friend of mine used her body to demonstrate. ‘Look at what happens when I relax. Look at my skin.’ Her partner had never seen her sit like that before. She hadn’t allowed herself to around him. I’ve had one man, a husband, message me something similar. He always thought only the women in his life had CELLULITE sitting down. ‘I never saw it on social,’ he added. So clearly it was just the gals he knew that had these, to use his words, ‘imperfections.’ The offline women were ‘off’. The online women perfect. This is a theme we are seeing more and more. Young boys are growing up with dark internet corners and ideal social media worlds. By 10, studies show they’ll have been exposed to plenty of not-for-children content. TikTok slips in face editing apps automatically. There are video tools that change bodies real time. All this brings me back to my first point: Let’s talk about guys. And how we can make a change. I don’t know the answer to this one. I don’t have any advice. But it’s on my mind and it’s in my DMs. And at this exact moment, it’s bouncing around the comment section of an old post too. But perhaps a first step would be this: Let your partner see you from all the angles, And remind the kiddos that online isn’t real. Before we get to a point where only glossy perfection is the only type of reality so many of us know. #instavsreality #selflove #mycalvins #feminist #bodyacceptance

Допис, поширений Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer)


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CELLULITE is NORMAL. It’s OK. And my GOSH, it’s even HEALTHY — even though yesterday a stranger tried to convince me otherwise. If I worked out more, she suggested, I wouldn’t have a flabby wrinkly cellulite bum. Besides, she added, why was I celebrating laziness? Don’t I want to raise people up? Here’s the thing: I absolutely, 100% want to RAISE people UP. And integral to that is taking away the SHAME that women have been TAUGHT around so many aspects of their bodies. We have been told for so LONG that cellulite is BAD. Sold products to FIX IT. Fed EMBARRASSMENT around it. And the trend keeps going. In 1968 Vogue introduced in article condemning cellulite — and now, now we have strangers in comment sections doing the same. Only the thing is, CELLULITE is SO darn normal. Over 80% of us have it. It’s tied to how HEALTHY BODIES store HEALTHY FAT. We may not see it a lot in magazines or on SOCIAL MEDIA, especially where FITNESS PROFESSIONALS are concerned — but that doesn’t mean it’s not there, it’s not human, and it’s not OK. Today, today I just want to remind you of this. I just want to peel back the curtain and show you ONE BUM seen from DIFFERENT LIGHTS Both images depict a body that trains hard. Both images show a gal that is striving for balance. And even though only ONE reveals the CELLULITE, Both images are gosh darn HEALTHY. You got this darlin. Wiggles, jiggles, shadows and sunlight and cellulite bums and all. x Snapped at @ritzcarltondubai by @chiclebelle #selflove #instavsreality #instagramvsreality #cellulite #stretchmarks #celluliteisnormal #socialmediavsreality

Допис, поширений Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer)


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Posed vs Relaxed / or it’s ok if you’re not ready yet to CELEBRATE your CELLULITE. It’s ok if you don’t feel the urge to strip down and WIGGLE all your JIGGLES on social media. It’s ok if you’re still finding your own path to LOVING YOUR BODY. Girl, some days I’m right there with you. Self love, self acceptance, that stuff is hard. And it’s a journey. One that has taken me over 33 years. Sometimes I feel strong and sassy and ready to take on the world. Other times I’m a bundle of fragile nerves and fears. All these things are ok. Because self love isn’t about waking up every morning feeling like a 10, Or dancing on the beach with your bits doing their thing. It’s about knowing no matter WHAT happens with your BODY or your CAREER or your RELATIONSHIPS, No matter WHAT, You are still WORTHY. You are still IMPORTANT. And you are still so very, very deserving of love. So today, I just want to remind you As woman to woman Friend to friend: Where you ARE on this JOURNEY, Whatever TODAY looks like FOR YOU, I’m so glad you’re here. I’m so glad we’re in this together. Images by @chiclebelle #selflove #selfacceptance #bodyconfidence #feminist #positivequotes

Допис, поширений Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer)


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Insta vs Reality – or let’s talk SITTING I would NEVER ACTUALLY sit like the picture on the left. Because I’m not even sitting. I’m hovering. My quads are holding my body weight. My core is tight, my back arched. And I am up OFF my HEELS, otherwise my thighs would squish and dimple all around my feet and legs. Because, hey, that’s what SKIN DOES. The way I sit is like the right: relaxed, chilled, my limbs in comfortable positions. BOTH pics are fantastic, and I’m totally here for it if you want to POSE or chill, ARCH or RELAX. Whatever speaks to you, go for it. My goal today is just to PULL BACK that CURTAIN And remind you again, and again, and as many times as I need to that SOCIAL MEDIA is NOT REAL. These quick, fleeting instances are filtered, Posed. Smoothed. Lit. Oiled. Glossed. Until perfection is all we are presented with. But us humans, we are way more WONDERFUL than that. And our bodies are just wrappings for what sits inside: Our souls. Our hearts. Our spirits. All the things that don’t perk up or slouch down when a camera flicks off or on. And all the things that matter SO MUCH MORE than a single SELFIE ever could. Hope that helps today. You’re incredible girl. Don’t ever forget it. x #instavsreality #posedvsrelaxed #socialmediavsreality #celluliteisnormal

Допис, поширений Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer)

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