Как выйти из «петли горя» и увидеть новые возможности?

How to live through difficulties, failures, and losses? How to see new opportunities in these circumstances and again find a sense in life? Presenters discussed this with Vyacheslav Khalansky, psychologist and psychotherapist. He told about Victor Frankl’s experience, a famous Austrian psychotherapist who lived through a Nazi concentration camp and continued to help others.

The broadcast’s other guest was Olena, a resettler from Luhansk Region, who had to live through the loss of her father and parting with her husband and son. She had not broken down psychologically, however. 

A resettler from Luhansk, Hennady Karachentsev, who was on the phone to the studio, shared his experience of successfully starting a new business after he had lost his dwelling and job in Luhansk.