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Велика Британія за те, щоби зберігати тиск і санкції проти Росії — Борис Джонсон

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in an exclusive statement to the audience of Hromadske Radio said that London will continue pressure to remove Russian forces from Donbass region of Ukraine


Britain is ready to fight for keeping the sanctions against Russia, said British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson during a visit to the office of “Hromadske Radio”.

“The reason I wanted to come to Ukraine so soon after being made a Foreign Secretary in Britain is because I want to show my country’s passionate support for Ukraine, and we in the UK are willing to fight to make sure that we will keep the pressure up and keep the sanctions on Russia that is responsible for the aggression against this country,” said the Foreign Secretary.

He added that the UK wants to see Ukraine a strong, free, democratic, sovereign country, with the European vocation.

“We are training some of Ukrainian military forces, which is very important. We are also helping with a lot of humanitarian work. And of course we are contributing to the OSCE monitors. And  helping also  to make sure that Ukraine embarks on a sustainable program of political and economic reform and stamps out corruption, he said.

Boris Johnson also added that there are a democratic and a security solutions to the Donbass issue:

“I wish everybody, in the Donbass region particularly, well. I know how difficult things are at the moment and I can tell you that all of us in  Britain are hoping and praying that the Minsk process will be successful. There is a security solution, a withdrawal of the Russian forces. And, of course that we get a democratic solution in that part of the country as well. Nobody could pretend this is going to be easy, but I’m sure it can be done. I want everybody to know that  Great Britain, the United Kingdom is here to help. So ‘Dyakuyu’ everybody and ‘Spasibo’,” said the Minister.

British Foreign Secretary visits Ukraine on a two day trip. He met Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko on 14 September, pledging GBP 2 mln to remove landmines in Donbas region.


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