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Чи гроші й молодість — завжди щастя?

A woman’s happiness is her personal choice and responsibility. How you learn to heed yourself? How to make love to yourself an everyday practice and where is the strength of sisterhood?

Чи гроші й молодість — завжди щастя?

We can’t escape the bad but our state depends on what we are focused on. Experts advise to learn to understand what makes you happy and to look for resources within yourself. The studio’s guests are psychologist and psychotherapist, Kseniya Minayeva; military volunteer, co-trainer of Sertse voyina (Warrior’s Heart) project, Natalka Sonechko; the founder of Zhyttya pislya ATO (Life After ATO) NGO and internet resource, as well as of Druzhyny Ukrayiny (Wives of Ukraine) club, Svitlana Domanchuk. The leader of the self-support group of Druzhyny Ukrayiny club, Nadiya Zinchuk, joined the conversation over the phone.  

Military volunteer, co-trainer of Sertse voyina project, Natalka Sonechko, spoke of how not to feel yourself a victim and how to overcome difficulties, how to switch over to positive emotions and feel more happiness. According to her, there’s plenty of resources and they are everywhere. Our task is to want to see them. 

За підтримки

Точки опори

Точки опори

Цей матеріал було створено за підтримки International Medical Corps та JSI Research & Training Institute, INC, завдяки грантовій підтримці USAID. Погляди та думки, висловлені в цьому матеріалі, не повинні жодним чином розглядатися як відображення поглядів чи думок всіх згаданих організацій.

This material has been produced with the generous support of the International Medical Corps and JSI Research & Training Institute, INC. through a grant by United States Agency for International Development. The views and opinions expressed herein shall not, in any way whatsoever, be construed to reflect the views or opinions of all the mentioned organizations.


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