Піти на фронт і повернутись: правила гідного проводжання, чекання і зустрічі

The guests of the broadcast are psychologist of “Povernennya” (Return) Center, Kateryna Pronoza, and a volunteer of “Doloni dotyk” (Palm Of The Hand’s Touch), member of “Rivnovaha” (Balance) public organization,  participant in the basic training in bodynamics for veterans, Natalka Sonechko. Larysa Rodkevych, volunteer soldier of “Dnipro-1” Regiment, joins the conversation

The guests answer the question why is it so important to understand how to see off, wait for, and welcome back, in a dignified way, those who went to war. 

The only thing which is still entirely on the shoulders of civilians in the rear is waiting, support, warm welcome and seeing off those who serve in the East of Ukraine. This is what correspondent Mariya Zavyalova’s package is about. A marine whose call sign is “Kok” (Cook) has been in military service in thde ATO zone since 2014.After demobilization he signed a new contract with the Armed Forces, and now he is fighting near Mariupol. He says that people’s attitude towards military is now very different from wat it used to be at the beginning of the war. 

A veteran from Brigade 128, Serhiy Mamzyn, who did his military duty in Luhansk and Donetsk regions in 2015-16,  says that panic in the rear should not penetrate phone conversations with soldiers on the frontline.

Attentive restrained waiting for your near and dear and a warm welcome for them can help a soldier return to peaceful land with the sense of what had happened to them at war. Not to forget but to continue to live with a new important experience, people speaking in the package stress. 

Kateryna Pronoza noted in the studio: soldiers don’t like when they hear questions of everyday-life nature which have no essential meaning. If a phone does not answer ths does not mean that everything is lost. You should not demonstrate your own worry as this will only distract from performing your service duty

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