Why is it sometimes so difficult to say “forgive me”? How to learn to forgive in earnest and to let go of pain?
When preparing for the New Year, there is a desire to let go of all offenses and leave them in the year gone. However, it is difficult for many of us to say “forgive me” and to not keep offense inside. Our journalists discussed how to learn to forgive in earnest and to let go of pain with Olesya Druzhyna, a psychologist with the Psychology Crisis Service.
The studio’s guest, Alina (who asked not to quote her surname), moved from a small town in Donetsk Region. Because of her state of health, Alina walks with a stick. It took her 15 years to learn to walk on her own. During this entire time the society and even her friends had not always understood and supported her but Alina does not hold offense against anybody because this way she feels easier inside.
Nataliya Hrabovska, director of an alternative children’s school, the Communication Academy, joined the conversation and shared her experience how to efficiently avoid children’s offenses in the family.