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Війна дала мені розуміння того, що я все в житті роблю правильно, — ветеран АТО

Within “The Hour With A Veteran” we talk to demobilized soldiers, Andriy Ilchenko and Oleksiy Oleksyuk. The topic of the conversation is education, schooling, and veterans experience

Війна дала мені розуміння того, що я все в житті роблю правильно, — ветеран АТО

 How do veterans pass on their experience to the growing generation? One of the organizations that educate Ukrainans’ young generation< in particular, with the involvement of ATO veterans, is the Ukrainian Leadership Academy. A journalist of Hromadske Radio found out what this Academy is.  is. 

Oeksiy Oleksyuk is an ATO veteran, callsign Tantsor (Dancer), the acting manager of the Poltava branch of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy, told how he joied the Academy and what is the goal of this educational stabclishment. His brother-in-arms, an ATO veteran, Andriy Ilchenko, conducted dialog with Oleksiy within “The Hour With A Veteran” special project. 

“The Hour With A Veteran” is a program initiated by veterans themselves, this is a ground for frankly talking to veterans.  

За підтримки

Точки опори

Точки опори

Цей матеріал було створено за підтримки International Medical Corps та JSI Research & Training Institute, INC, завдяки грантовій підтримці USAID. Погляди та думки, висловлені в цьому матеріалі, не повинні жодним чином розглядатися як відображення поглядів чи думок всіх згаданих організацій.

This material has been produced with the generous support of the International Medical Corps and JSI Research & Training Institute, INC. through a grant by United States Agency for International Development. The views and opinions expressed herein shall not, in any way whatsoever, be construed to reflect the views or opinions of all the mentioned organizations.


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