Фитнес, бисер, детские фотографии: что спасает в прифронтовой зоне каждый день
Maya Mykhaylyuk, leader of a volunteer group, «Wings of generosity and care» and Anastasiya Doroshenko, the specialist in social-and-psychological support and protection of children’s rights of IMC

Maya Mykhaylyuk, leader of a volunteer group, «Wings of generosity and care» and Anastasiya Doroshenko, the specialist in social-and-psychological support and protection of children’s rights, of the Mariupol Office of the International Medical Corps, were guests of the studio.
We spoke about public initiatives in «Gray Zone» and territories adjacent to the front line, about how people organize their leisure and unite around favorite hobbies. The volunteers told that elderly people meet them with special joy, and called upon organizations arriving from Kiev and other big cities to develop cooperation with local organizations providing psychosocial support for the population.
При поддержке
Цей матеріал було створено за підтримки International Medical Corps та JSI Research & Training Institute, INC, завдяки грантовій підтримці USAID. Погляди та думки, висловлені в цьому матеріалі, не повинні жодним чином розглядатися як відображення поглядів чи думок всіх згаданих організацій.
This material has been produced with the generous support of the International Medical Corps and JSI Research & Training Institute, INC. through a grant by United States Agency for International Development. The views and opinions expressed herein shall not, in any way whatsoever, be construed to reflect the views or opinions of all the mentioned organizations.