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Как успокоить детей во время обстрелов?

Protection of children at the frontline. Challenges, potential, and resources which can help protect children at frontline and in gray zones

Как успокоить детей во время обстрелов?

In particular, Oksana Bocharova, psychologist of Traumatherapy Center «Povernennya» («Return»),  told how to protect your child who became a witness to combat. What should parents do in the first turn? And what psychological consequences may be for children who saw war? 

The psychologist emphacises: in the first turn, in order to help children in a conflict zone, they need to be taken away from dangerous zones. The farther, the better.

Life is more precious than any material things, Oksana Bocharova says. She worded advice for parents whose children became witnesses to war. In particular, Oksana advises to spend more time with children, to play together, to try not to demonstrate their own anxiety, and also to protect children from news programs.  


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