Работодателям должно быть выгодно брать на работу ветеранов АТО

In Ukraine, there is a problem with employment of fighters demobilized from the Armed Forces, the Mnistry of Interior, and volunteer battalions. Employers seek profit for themselves and are afraid of risks linked to the military. An ATO veteran, for instance, will need, for instance, an additional leave, and psychological state of such a person may fluctuate, they may be alcohol-addicted, etc.

Within the frame of «Fulcrums» Project, we discuss mechanisms of solving this problem with the Candidate of Psychological Sciences, psychotherapist and psychologist, Olena Kostyuk, and an ATO veteran, Kyrylo Slobodyanyuk. Volodymyr Opanasenko, a volunteer who involves employers in employing ATO veterans, joins in the conversation.