Ottawa Takes Lead In Imposing Sanctions. A view from Canada

Ukraine is once again the top story in Canadian media, Marta Dyczok reports from Toronto. “We will not be intimidated,” Canada’s Industry Minister James Moore said on the 7th of August. He added that the world needs to continue to stand firm against Russia, despite the escalation of sanctions.

Canada took the lead in imposing sanctions, against the corrupt Yanukovych regime, and then against Russia. Now it appears to be taking the lead in another sphere.

The day that NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, arrived in Kyiv and told Ukraine’s President Poroshenko that, “NATO’s support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine is unwavering,” Canada loaded up a CC-130J Hercules military plane, with non-lethal military equipment, and sent it to Ukraine.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced, that this was just the first in a series of flights, that would deliver up to 5 million dollars worth of helmets, ballistic eyewear, protective vests, first-aid kits, tents, and sleeping bags, to help Ukrainians secure their eastern border against Russian aggression.

The flights are leaving from Canadian Forces Base Trenton, in Ontario.