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russian army retreats to readjust their position, and in 5-7 days they will try to be on the offensive again


The reasons for Russia’s retreat

Political expert Viktor Bobyrenko spoke about the stage of retreat of Russian troops.

Viktor Bobyrenko: Sumy has been released after a month. In fact, it is already behind the frontlines. The Kantemir division, which was the backbone of this group, lost about 40% of its personnel, according to them. So there may be more. The first retreat from Ukraine was when Russia took away its recruits. Now Russia will retreat from Brovary. This is because there, they threaten the environment.

Then, I think, everything will be taken out of the Kyiv and Chernihiv directions. After the military is brought up to speed, they will be transferred to the Slobozhansky direction: Severodonetsk, Popasna, Svitlodarsk, Kramatorsk and Mariupol.

Such actions indicate that Russia is withdrawing its operational directions. Why withdraw? Now the soil has melted, the movement is difficult.

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Russia says: «We have completed our tasks and are leaving.» But they got in trouble, and now they are withdrawing from these directions. They left so as not to incur even more shame and loss. Now they will keep the springboard on the right bank near Kherson, they will defend on the line between Enerhodar – Tokmak – Volnovakha. This corridor to Crimea will be kept. The main battles will be for Mariupol and the rest of Donbass

  • For Putin, Mariupol is a kind of Stalingrad.

Russia will fight to the end. The main thing for them is to destroy our military. Negotiations on a truce cannot take place until the Mariupol issue is fully resolved. Initially, Kyiv was the most promising area. Now they gave it up, because there is nothing they can do but surround it. Therefore, the Russian military has to withdraw. They need a few days to recover. I think there will be a new offensive in 5-7 days

Also listen to: Leaving from the Kyiv region, the Russian military probably takes civilian hostages: says a human rights activist

But we have the following advantages:

  • We are in position. They need to get to us. By the time they get to us, they will get tired, and we will keep waiting.
  • Now 80% of the population has left the important cities for the Russian army. So they will just go into the stone jungle. They will not be able to kill civilians. Let them shoot themselves. 

Russia still has the advantage in terms of equipment and the number of troops, but we are on our own land, we know the area, we have better intelligence and logistics. All this neutralizes their advantage.

  • Now Ukraine is shooting down 70-80% of Russia’s missiles. There will be more modern weapons, and we will shoot down 9 missiles out of 10. And we will win very quickly.

Also read: Is Russia withdrawing its troops or regrouping?

Listen to the entire program in the audio file

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