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More than a hundred body remains found by dogs of the «Antares» dog unit in Pokrovsk and Rivne, Donetsk region


The Antares search and rescue dog unit discovered the remains of five children aged 3 and older, in addition to more than a hundred other bodies in Pokrovsk and Rivne, Donetsk region.

Larysa Borysenko, the head of the Pavlohrad search and rescue dog unit Antares, reported this on Hromadske Radio.

Antares is recognized as the only canine unit specializing in the search for human remains, that utilizes a unique methodology.

«We are engaged in searches with both the State Emergency Service and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under the project «On the Shield». We have dedicated 10 years to developing a methodology for searching for bodies and remains. Our dogs can work on the remains of a recent tragedy, as well as on remains that are 100 years old or more. There is no specific time limit for the dogs, but various factors, such as cats, dogs, birds, and rodents, can complicate the search», — Borysenko explained

Photo: Pavlohrad search and rescue dog unit «Antares»

She emphasized that the unit employs versatile dogs capable of searching for both the living and the deceased.

Photo: Pavlohrad search and rescue dog unit «Antares»

As a reminder, on January 6, 11 people were killed, including five children, and 10 others were injured due to Russian strikes on the Pokrovsk district in Donetsk region. The attacks involved S-300 missiles, with Pokrovsk and Rivne of the Myrnohrad community being the main affected areas.


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