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Mykolaiv region stands out as one of the most heavily mined areas in Ukraine


Denmark has committed to providing Ukraine with a substantial aid package exceeding $21 million for the reconstruction of Mykolaiv. The allocated funds will be directed towards demining agricultural land and the refurbishment of a dormitory at Mykolaiv Agricultural University.

This was reported by Hromadske Radio’s Mykolaiv correspondent Yulia Vynnyk.

«Last year, the Mykolaiv region exceeded its plan to clear 85,000 hectares of land, accomplishing the demining of 112,000 hectares. As per the new Ministry of Economy plan, an additional 44,000 hectares of land in Mykolaiv region require demining. The overall situation underscores that Mykolaiv is one of the most heavily mined areas in Ukraine».

Vynnyk also highlighted recent police reports of a man discovering a cluster munition in the city center, emphasizing the ongoing danger posed by enemy shells despite previous demining efforts.

«Speaking about the reconstruction of the dormitory, fire safety measures will be implemented there, and this is not the first educational institution to be supported by Denmark. Denmark will also help restore two other educational institutions in Mykolaiv. Mykola Arkas Lyceum, located in the city center, experienced a missile strike in November 2022, with an S-300 missile causing substantial damage. Similarly, the National University of Shipbuilding, also targeted by an S-300 missile in July 2022, sustained significant damage as a result of the attack», – the correspondent said.

To execute these projects, Denmark will collaborate with UNOPS Ukraine and All Ukraine, addressing various aspects of the agricultural sector, including demining, provision of cogeneration units, and enhancement of fire safety at Mykolaiv State Agricultural University’s dormitory


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