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The Russians strengthen the «counterintelligence regime» in the occupied territories


The Russian invaders are intensifying scrutiny of the population in the temporarily occupied territories in eastern Ukraine to counteract the guerrilla movement.

This was reported by the National Resistance Centre of Ukraine on January 18.

«According to the Ukrainian underground, the enemy is seeking to bolster the counterintelligence regime by increasing the number of so-called mobile groups tasked with selectively checking the local population», — the statement noted.

Occupiers are verifying whether individuals possess a Ukrainian passport or a residence permit, and they are searching for smartphones or other equipment that could transmit messages to the Ukrainian Defence Forces.

Through these measures, the Russians aim to uncover operational information about the activities of the resistance movement in the temporarily occupied territories, «whose actions often result in local setbacks for the Russian occupation forces, both on the front lines and in the rear of the occupiers

The National Resistance Centre has called upon the local population to assist the Ukrainian Defence Forces in accelerating the de-occupation of the regions and to provide information about the movements or locations of the Russian occupiers.


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