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Avdiivka currently has 950 residents remaining — Barabash


As of February 5, Avdiivka in Donetsk Oblast has 950 local residents, according to Vitaliy Barabash, head of the Avdiivka City Military Administration, as reported on Hromadske Radio.

«As of this morning, there are 950 civilians in Avdiivka. Evacuations are gradually taking place, and the number of people evacuated is significantly lower on weekends. For instance, 38 people left Avdiivka last week. This is a positive trend, as there were times when no one left the city for weeks», — Barabash stated

As a reminder, Barabash clarified on Hromadske Radio that there were no street battles in Avdiivka. However, journalist Yuriy Butusov had reported the day before that Russian occupiers had advanced into the construction zone of Avdiivka in Donetsk region, and street fighting was occurring in the city.


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