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Russians are scouting routes for potential new missile attacks — Humeniuk


The day prior, Russian occupation forces launched an X-59 missile at the Mykolaiv region, likely as a form of «reconnaissance by combat». This strategic move involves testing the Ukrainian air defense system, scouting new routes, and preparing for future missile attacks.

Natalia Humeniuk, the Head of the Joint Press Centre of the Operational Command «South», shared these insights during a telethon, stating, ‘The overall situation remains tense as the enemy seeks ways to counteract our effective resistance. They aim to enhance their effectiveness by diversifying tactics, such as ongoing shelling of Chaykivska and Kutsurubska communities to divert the attention of the Defence Forces. Yesterday, the enemy executed a precise missile attack in the Mykolaiv region using tactical aircraft from the Black Sea. The firing of an X-59 missile suggests a form of battlefield reconnaissance, testing the readiness of air defense systems. Despite the general pause maintained by the enemy between massive missile attacks, targeted strikes in these intervals indicate a deliberate preparation for further attacks. Such attacks serve as a form of terrorism, identifying air defense systems and plotting future routes for assaults.’

Humeniuk noted that the enemy, realizing the genuine risk of losing Russian aircraft in the south, is assessing a more acceptable line of approach from the Black and Azov Seas.

Addressing the previous day’s shelling in the Kherson region, Humeniuk highlighted the sustained pressure on Kherson residents, extending beyond the regional capital to coastal settlements.

While the enemy’s use of aviation is less active, Russian occupiers persist in inflicting substantial damage on civilian infrastructure, targeting crowds, as well as special vehicles of the State Emergency Service and police.


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