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Money only for Israel: US Congress rejects Republican bill


The US House of Representatives has rejected a Republican bill proposing $17.6 billion in aid to Israel. Democrats indicated a preference for a more comprehensive bill, as reported by Reuters.

The Democrats’ preferred document includes provisions for aid to Ukraine, international humanitarian funding, and additional funds for border security. The vote concluded with a tally of 250 to 180, falling short of the two-thirds majority required for the accelerated procedure.

Voting largely followed party lines, with only 14 Republicans opposing the bill and 46 Democrats supporting it. While aid to Israel has traditionally enjoyed bipartisan support in Congress, critics labeled the House bill a political maneuver by Republicans. They argue that it aims to divert attention from a broader bill combining an overhaul of US immigration policy with new funding for border security, as well as aid for Ukraine, Israel, and partners in the Indo-Pacific region.

The day before the vote, President Joe Biden identified former President and Republican candidate Donald Trump as the main obstacle to providing assistance to Ukraine. Biden conveyed this message during an address to congressmen.

Previously, Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markarova, anticipated a vote on the compromise bill for aid to Ukraine and Israel on February 7. The compromise bill allocates $60.06 billion to support Ukraine, $14.1 billion for Israel, and $20.2 billion for border protection in the US.


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