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The Crimean political prisoner Mustafayev has been transferred to the colony with harsh conditions of detention located in the Tambov region

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Crimean Tatar human rights activist and journalist for Crimean Solidarity, Server Mustafayev, sentenced to 14 years in prison, has been moved to the strict conditions of detention in Correctional Unit-1 in the Tambov region.

Mustafayev’s wife, Maye, who visited her husband in Tambov, reported this to Crimean Solidarity.

Mustafayev, registered as a terrorist, explained his transfer to Unit-1 as being due to the severity of the charges.

«All this is not because of any actions of Server, but simply because of the article under which he was convicted. In fact, this is an additional punishment, in addition to the sentence», – his wife stated

Being in the Unit-1 prevents Mustafayev from leaving his cell for educational purposes. Despite entering the law faculty part-time in 2023, he cannot attend classes.

Additionally, it has been reported that Mustafayev has encountered problems with his eyesight since being transferred to the Unit-1.

In 2018, security forces in Crimea arrested Server Mustafayev and Edem Smailov in the Hizb ut-Tahrir case after conducting searches. Mustafayev subsequently received a 14-year prison sentence.


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