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A Czech billionaire will donate $2 million on FPV drones for Ukraine


Czech billionaire Jan Barta has pledged to donate $2 million for FPV drones to support the Ukrainian military. In his initiative, Barta is contributing $100 for each retweet of his post on the X social network to the Nemesis project, which aims to raise funds for 10,000 FPV drones for Ukraine.

In his post on February 18, Barta expressed concern about the current global situation, drawing parallels to the prelude of World War II.

«We live in a time that is increasingly reminiscent of the second half of the 1930s. I couldn’t live with myself, knowing that I did nothing to stop another Hitler», — he stated

The billionaire published the post on February 18. Barta set a limit of two million dollars for this initiative, and by early February 20, he announced that the number of retweets had reached the limit, allowing him to transfer the entire pledged amount of two million dollars.

As part of this campaign, Barta has already transferred $400,000 for the purchase of FPV drones, with the remaining amount scheduled to be sent in the coming days.


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