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The US Joins Coalition for the return of Ukrainian children deported by Russians


The United States has officially joined the International Coalition for the return of Ukrainian children who have been illegally deported or forcibly displaced by Russia.

This landmark decision follows extensive and productive efforts, as highlighted by Dmytro Lubinets, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner.

Lubinets emphasized that the United States has also reiterated its support for the Joint Declaration on the Establishment of the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children, an initiative led by Canada and Ukraine.

Members of the International Coalition have collectively committed to a just resolution of the situation involving illegally deported and forcibly displaced Ukrainian children. This includes adherence to paragraph 4 of the Ukrainian Peace Formula, for which the Ombudsman of Ukraine is responsible, as well as the implementation of the Bring Kids Back UA action plan.

The action plan aims to unite the efforts of Ukrainian government agencies, international and non-governmental organizations, and concerned citizens in the endeavor to return Ukrainian children. The coalition’s goals encompass making all possible efforts to reunite Ukrainian children with their families or place them in family-based care, in accordance with the best interests of the child. Additionally, the coalition is committed to pursuing legal actions against those responsible for the illegal deportation and forced displacement of Ukrainian children, in compliance with international law.

Lubinets called for unity on the crucial matter of returning Ukrainian children and emphasized the importance of holding perpetrators accountable through legal means.


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