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British intelligence is analyzing the potential consequences of a strike on an aircraft factory in Russia where A-50s are being repaired


British intelligence has evaluated the repercussions of an attack on the Beriev Taganrog Aviation Research and Technology Complex, a facility in Russia responsible for building and repairing military transport aircraft, including the A-50U.

According to the UK Ministry of Defence, citing intelligence reports, on March 9, Ukrainian forces carried out a drone attack on the repair complex in Taganrog, Rostov Region, Russia. The complex plays a crucial role in the manufacture, modernization, maintenance, and repair of the Russian Air Force A-50U long-range radar detection and guidance aircraft.

The site holds wider strategic importance for Russia, as it is also involved in maintaining long-range strategic bombers, transport aircraft, and serves as a test center for the next generation of airborne radar and control aircraft, known as the A-100.

The UK Ministry of Defence stated, «The constant presence of active air defense around this facility is testament to its importance. The loss of the A-50U is likely to significantly degrade the situational awareness of Russia’s operations.»

Images circulated online after the attack revealed damage to two large buildings associated with the A-50U fleet, likely used to shelter the aircraft during overhauls, according to the intelligence report.

The review concludes that two weeks after the loss of the second aircraft, the A-50U fleet is likely still incapable of supporting operations in Ukraine. The attack highlights that Ukrainian operations can reach strategically important targets in Russia, even those believed to be protected in the air or on the ground.


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