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If the situation in the US had been different, Germany would have provided Taurus to Ukraine


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has blocked the transfer of long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine. In response, the UK has proposed an exchange, offering Germany to send Taurus to them so that UK could send Storm Shadow systems to Ukraine. Is such a swap feasible?

Valeriy Ryabykh, Development Director of the information and consulting company Defense Express, shared insights on Hromadske Radio.

«The initiative originated from British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, who addressed a highly sensitive matter for German politicians—the transfer of long-range weapons to Ukraine, specifically Taurus. The UK has proposed Germany to give Taurus missiles for their own use, while providing Storm Shadow systems to Ukraine, which have already demonstrated effectiveness, particularly in targeting occupied territories, including Crimea. This exchange could potentially overcome certain political hurdles in transferring missiles and allow Germany to sidestep direct confrontation with Russia, a primary concern for the Chancellor. The German foreign minister expressed support for this approach, citing past exchanges like those involving the Leopard tanks when the US had not yet decided to transfer Abrams tanks», — explained Ryabykh.

Germany’s hesitancy may also stem from its lack of nuclear weapons and the uncertain stance of the United States at the moment.

«There are several aspects to consider. Firstly, there is a certain apprehension about potentially altering Germany’s role or non-involvement in this war. It’s crucial to note that, unlike France and the UK, Germany is not a nuclear power. Secondly, there is a psychological aspect related to Germany’s experience in World War II, with reluctance to engage in a new conflict. It’s worth pointing out that Germany’s resolve was evident in its actions, but this was after the United States of America took decisive steps. I am confident that if the situation had been different in the US, which entered a period of uncertainty, Germany would have handed over the Taurus missiles. I hope the time spent on these discussions will be utilized to replenish the Taurus stockpile for both German and Ukrainian needs. The arsenal itself is somewhat overestimated; by certain estimates, 150 Taurus missiles were in serviceable condition, with another 250 capable of rapid restoration», — stated the Development Director of Defense Express.


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