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The lack of prospects in a new location did not encourage the evacuation of people from the Sumy region — journalist


The Velykopysarivska community had experienced constant shelling before, but despite the danger, people chose to remain in their homes. However, when the shelling intensified significantly, residents began to evacuate. The decision to stay was largely influenced by material factors.

Oleksiy Pasyuga, editor of the Vorskla newspaper, shared insights on this with Hromadske Radio.

«Primarily, it’s the lack of prospects in a new location, limited opportunities for earning a livelihood, and the inability to utilize their gardens. However, when the situation became increasingly perilous, people decided to leave.

As the editorial team, we noticed the escalating situation and the heightened frequency of shelling, prompting us to evacuate almost all our equipment. Unfortunately, despite our precautions, much of what remained in Velyka Pysarivka has been destroyed», — said Oleksiy Pasyuga.

He further mentioned that the Vorskla newspaper will continue its publication, with copies being distributed to subscribers, except for residents of the Velyka Pysarivka community.


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