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The Navy is currently verifying the extent of the damage to the Ivan Khurs vessel


In addition to the two Russian ships, Yamal and Azov, which the Ukrainian Defence Forces struck on March 23rd, information regarding the damage to the Russian medium-sized reconnaissance ship, Ivan Khurs, is currently being verified.

Captain Dmytro Pletenchuk, spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy, reported this during a telethon.

«The condition of the vessels is currently being clarified. We can confirm the damage. We are also verifying information about the possible destruction of another unit – the third one. Nevertheless, one of these landing ship is already undergoing repairs at the factory, and considering the extent of the damage, we can affirm that now only 3 out of the 13 units that the Russians had prepared to capture our southern coast remain in service. Moreover, none of the ships from the Black Sea Fleet of this project remain operational. Additionally, the building of the naval base in Sevastopol was damaged, and fuel and lubrication depots were hit», – Pletenchuk stated.

Responding to a question about the third ship hit by the Defence Forces, the spokesman confirmed that it was indeed the Russian medium-sized reconnaissance ship, Ivan Khurs.

«In fact, today I am the first to confirm that large amphibious ships were directly hit. However, such statements need to be verified from multiple sources to ensure that we are not misinforming Ukrainian society», – the spokesman added.

According to Ukraine’s military intelligence, the damage to the Yamal large amphibious assault ship is critical. This vessel of the Russian Black Sea Fleet was struck in Sevastopol on the night of March 24th.


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