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The occupiers' offensive in the Mykolaiv sector is not an option — Vitaliy Kim


The Russians continue to shell the Mykolaiv region, with Ochakiv bearing the brunt of the attacks, which occur almost daily. Nonetheless, there is no imminent threat of a Russian offensive, as stated by Vitaliy Kim, the head of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration, in an interview with Hromadske Radio.

«Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Ochakiv has been under almost daily attack. Last night, strikes hit the Voznesensky district, fortunately without casualties. The Russians are consistently shelling the region, located about 25 kilometers from the front line in the Kherson direction. Ochakiv is situated less than 4 kilometers away across the strait», — Kim explained.

According to Kim, the city is being shelled from the Kinburn Spit, with few civilians remaining there. However, he emphasized that Ochakiv continues to function, and its residents lead normal lives.

«In Ochakiv, there is not only food and medicine but also beer and flowers. Although the population has decreased by half, people have adapted and continue to lead fulfilling lives, with children attending school», — Kim remarked.

Despite the ongoing shelling, Kim asserted that the Russians will not be able to initiate an offensive in the area.

«We are monitoring the enemy’s movements nearby and intercepting some of their telephone conversations. Their situation is precarious. There is no indication of an attack in our direction. We haven’t observed any equipment regrouping or significant troop build-up. However, they continue to terrorize us with shelling and focus on the southern direction to target Odesa, central, and western Ukraine», — Kim concluded.


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