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The occupiers' fleet in Crimea may have lost its last cruise missile carrier — Head of the press centre of the Southern Defence Forces

Estimated Reading Time: 1 min

The head of the press center of the Southern Defense Forces, Dmytro Pletenchuk, has suggested that the Russian Black Sea Fleet may have lost its last cruise missile carrier in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

He made this statement while commenting on the information about the alleged damage to the Russian Navy ship Cyclone in Sevastopol.

«Apparently, the entire crew was hit. They are very shocked now. The rest of the information is being verified, but of course, there is a possibility that the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea has lost its last cruise missile carrier», — Pletenchuk said, as quoted by Ukrinform.

However, the spokesman stressed the necessity of waiting for official confirmation of the information.

Earlier, the media reported that in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol, the Russian Navy ship Cyclone, which is a Kalibr carrier, was allegedly hit by a missile attack. The ship is likely to have been sunk, resulting in the death of six soldiers and injuring 11 others.


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