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Occupants attack energy facilities in Konotop and Shostka in Sumy Region


On the night of May 22, Russian occupation forces attacked energy facilities in the cities of Shostka and Konotop in the Sumy region. Border communities in the region were also shelled.

The enemy used Shahed-type attack UAVs, according to the press service of the Sumy Regional Military Administration.

«All the necessary services are working at the sites of the attacks. The consequences of the Russian attack are being clarified. Work is underway to restore the power supply, which was cut off due to the enemy strike», — the statement said.

In the morning, the Regional Military Administration reported that power engineers had restored electricity supply in the Sumy, Romny, and Okhtyrka districts. At the same time, it was noted that restoration work is still ongoing.

«At night and in the morning, Russians fired six times at the border areas and settlements of the Sumy region. Thirty-one explosions were recorded. The Bilopilska, Miropilska, Krasnopilska, Konotopska, and Shostka communities were shelled», — the regional administration said.

Air defense forces shot down seven enemy Shahed UAVs in the sky over Sumy Region.


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