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Occupiers lose another 1240 over 24 hours


As of the morning of May 24, the losses of Russian troops and their mercenaries in Ukraine amounted to about 498,940. Over the past day, Ukrainian defenders put out of action at least 1,240 Russian occupiers.

This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Other occupiers’ losses since February 24, 2022:

  • tanks – 7635 (+13)
  • armoured combat vehicles – 14775 (+27)
  • artillery systems – 12902 (+42)
  • MLRS – 1080 (+3)
  • aircraft – 356 (+1)
  • UAVs of operational and tactical level – 10401 (+10)
  • vehicles and tankers – 17569 (+56)
  • special equipment – 2101 (+7)


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