Partisans reconnoiter airfield in occupied Crimea

An agent of the guerrilla movement conducted reconnaissance of the Chersonese airfield in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol and collected important data about the enemy facility.

This was reported by the ATESH partisan movement.

In particular, the agent found dugouts and military personnel patrolling the entire perimeter.

A Raptor patrol boat was also spotted during the surveillance, indicating a high level of security at the facility.

«Despite the difficult task, the agent managed to get closer and examine a number of objects in more detail, such as the Kasta-2E2 radar station located near the oil storage facility, which is used to detect low-flying missiles of the Ukrainian Defense Forces», – the statement said.

As a reminder, as a result of the attack on the Belbek military airfield in occupied Crimea on the night of May 15, two Russian aircraft, a new generation anti-aircraft missile system, and a fuel and lubricant depot were destroyed.

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