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Head of Konotop District Administration: Source of pollution of Seym is in the combat zone


Water contamination in the Seym River was first recorded on 14 August in the Novoslobidska separate territorial community. The contamination may have been caused by organic substances entering the water. The pollution caused significant environmental damage. At the same time it does not pose a threat to the drinking water supply.

This information was reported by Pavlo Dudko, the head of the Konotop District Administration, on Hromadske Radio.

According to Dudko, on the evening of 14 August, the head of the Novoslobidska community informed him about a change in the water color and unusual behavior of fish in the Seym River near the village of Manukhivka. They subsequently observed a massive fish die-off and a foul smell coming from the water. This was all due to pollution flowing down the river from the territory of the Russian Federation.

After the Regional Border Administration (RBA) noticed the pollution on 14 August, they immediately filed an electronic application on the Ministry of Environment’s website. They also notified the State Environmental Service in Sumy Oblast.

«I assume that the pollution may be due to a substance of organic origin because these substances require oxygen to be processed. This is why there is a fish die-off; the fish and other aquatic organisms that rely on oxygen are critically lacking it. According to water sampling and other studies, there is an extremely low level of oxygen along the entire course of the Seym,» Dudko said.

Scale of disaster on Seym

Dudko also mentioned that the scale of this environmental disaster cannot be precisely calculated. This is due to the fact that many of the dead aquatic organisms are underwater. The pollution has caused large-scale damage to the environment and ecosystem of the Seym. However, experts from the relevant services are working to assess the damage.

The relevant services are also working to collect the dead fish and dispose of them in compliance with sanitary standards. In addition, they are conducting water aeration and other measures to clean the water. Water samples are regularly taken and analyzed according to the sampling schedule.

«But all this is complicated by the fact that the source of pollution is located in the area of hostilities. We cannot locate the source of pollution. The Ukrainian Defence Forces are actively working to identify this source,» Dudko explained.

The head of the Konotop District Administration stated that after the discovery of the contamination in the Seym, all six communities along the river and the relevant services were tasked with implementing the following measures: restrictions on fishing and selling fish in informal markets, bathing, and using river water for technical needs. At the same time, there is no threat to the drinking water supply, as no water is taken from the Seym for public consumption.

What Caused the Fish Die-Off in the Seym River?

As a reminder, a massive fish die-off was detected in the Seym River in Sumy Oblast. It was caused by a large amount of organic matter entering the river, which reduced the oxygen level in the water. It is likely that these substances were dumped into the river from Russia. In Ukraine, the Seym flows into the Desna River. This information was reported by Oleh Lystopad, an ecologist and expert of the ANTS Network, on Hromadske Radio.

According to Lystopad, the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection and the State Environmental Inspectorate took water samples and conducted analyses. Their data indicate that the oxygen level in the water is reduced, which is why the fish lack air to breathe.

Lystopad said that the pollution was caused by a large amount of organic matter and pesticides entering the water. Additionally, water oxidation is intensified at high temperatures.

Media reports suggest that the fish die-off and the discharge of substances into the river were caused by a sugar factory in the Russian village of Tiotkino, two kilometers from the border. Noyabrsk claims this version is likely to be true, as there are no large enterprises in the region that could be a source of such a large amount of organic waste in Ukraine.

After the contamination of the Seym, Kyivvodokanal stated that the water in Kyiv residents’ homes is safe and its quality is constantly monitored.


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