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Free our relatives

Free our relatives

35 episodes

During the war, the program «Free our relatives» tells the stories of people, cities, villages and entire regions that were captured by the Russian occupiers. We are talking about the war crimes committed by the Kremlin and its troops against the Ukrainian people.

Ihor Kotelyanets and Anastasia Bagalika are the hosts of the program.

  • Anastasia BagalikaAnastasia Bagalika
  • Ihor KotelyanetsIhor Kotelyanets
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Why illegally detained civilians are left without social protection from the state

Why illegally detained civilians are left without social protection from the state

Helping civilians in illegal detention and their families — NGO «Egida-Zaporizhzhia»

Helping civilians in illegal detention and their families — NGO «Egida-Zaporizhzhia»

People in Donetsk are waiting for us — former hostage of the «DPR»

People in Donetsk are waiting for us — former hostage of the «DPR»

108 days in Olenivka and no compensation for captivity from the state

108 days in Olenivka and no compensation for captivity from the state

The «Chameleon» — a course about avoiding captivity and the psychology of survival in captivity

The «Chameleon» — a course about avoiding captivity and the psychology of survival in captivity

«We need help with publicity» — sister of Oleksiy Kyrychenko, civilian hostage held by the Russians

«We need help with publicity» — sister of Oleksiy Kyrychenko, civilian hostage held by the Russians

«As long as there is no mechanism for the return of civilian prisoners, people will continue to die»

«As long as there is no mechanism for the return of civilian prisoners, people will continue to die»

«Why don't you want to live like in the Soviet Union?» The story of the captivity of the mayor of Hola Prystan

«Why don't you want to live like in the Soviet Union?» The story of the captivity of the mayor of Hola Prystan