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Учасники АТО: як отримати статус та реальні пільги?

On the Day of Memory of fighters-internationalists who died, and the Day of Withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, participants in the “Fulcrums” Project remembered the past and talked about present

Учасники АТО: як отримати статус та реальні пільги?

About the most pressing problems of veterans of the war in the East. The people who spoke about fighters’ rights and problems were Deputy Director of the Department of work with war veterans and ATO participants, Ruslan Kuchuk, Head of “Yurydychna Sotnya” (“Legal Hundred”) public organization, Lesya Vasylenko, and veterans Volorymyr Prymachenko and Artem, callsign “Byk” (“Bull”).

The studio’s guests told about statuses available for combat participants, about who can obtain benefits, and whether volunteer fighters have the right to them. 

According to Ruslan Kuchuk, it is difficult to reenter the life of society after war. It is very difficult to adapt in life after the events seen by ATO fighters and fighters of Afghanistan. A psychological rehabilitation program financed from the state budget is in action now. Everyone has the right to undergo a course of psychological rehabilitation, of treatment in respective institutions. Not every ATO participant understands what psychological rehabilitation is.


За підтримки

Точки опори

Точки опори

Цей матеріал було створено за підтримки International Medical Corps та JSI Research & Training Institute, INC, завдяки грантовій підтримці USAID. Погляди та думки, висловлені в цьому матеріалі, не повинні жодним чином розглядатися як відображення поглядів чи думок всіх згаданих організацій.

This material has been produced with the generous support of the International Medical Corps and JSI Research & Training Institute, INC. through a grant by United States Agency for International Development. The views and opinions expressed herein shall not, in any way whatsoever, be construed to reflect the views or opinions of all the mentioned organizations.


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