We’re not seeing, at least as of now, the potential for another mass wave of migration to Europe — Michael Druckman

The resident program director for Ukraine at the International Republican Institute Michael Druckman says, that at least as of now there is no potential for another mass wave of migration to Europe.

He says about this during the interview for podcast Ukraine Calling on Hromadske Radio.

«So, within this survey, we did ask municipal residents, do they plan to stay after the war? And in aggregate, 92 percent of these 21 cities said they would plan to stay after the war. We also asked in the event of worsening conditions due to the wartime situation, would they leave their communities, and in every city the majority said no, they would stay».

Read the full conversation: Eurointegration, confidence in local government and other surprises of public opinion survey in Ukraine

«In fact, the second-highest response was to join the armed forces of Ukraine. So, we’re not seeing, at least as of now, the potential for another mass wave of migration to Europe. Ukrainians have gone through these horrible 16 months, they’ve gone through last winter, and at least as of today, they’re saying no, they’re going to stay. We do know through other public opinion polling that IRI’s conducted when asking internally displaced residents within Ukraine that have left their home, that are now predominantly in Western Ukraine, what will it take for them to go home? It’s security, number one. So that is victory in the war is the number one condition, and we can assume that also applies to those that have left Ukraine».