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«There are a minimum of 30,000 missing persons in Ukraine, and the numbers continue to rise» — Kathryne Bomberger


Ukraine has laws and institutions that pertain to the issue of missing persons.

Kathryne Bomberger, the Director General of the International Commission on Missing Persons, told about this during a conversation for the English-language podcast Ukraine Calling on Hromadske Radio.

«But after the invasion of 2022, the numbers now are enormous. There are a minimum of 30,000 missing persons, and the numbers continue to rise. So what now needs to be done is to create a system within Ukraine that is able to scale up, in other words, capable of finding an abnormally large number of missing persons while Ukraine is at the same time fighting a war. And now this is unprecedented», — she said.

You may also read or listen the full conversation: No going out of business for ICMP, in Ukraine or elsewhere



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