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Today's attack was the largest one using «Kinzhals» — spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force


The Russian missile attack on Ukraine on January 2 was the largest ever involving the use of «Kinzhals».

Colonel Yuriy Ihnat, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, said this in a commentary to Suspilne.

Ihnat clarified that the most massive air strike in the entire war took place on December 29 2023, when the occupiers launched 158 targets, 5 of which were «Kinzhals». However, the Russian occupation army used the largest number of Kinzhal missiles on January 2.

Ihnat also told whether the Kinzhal missile can be considered hypersonic.

«Putin calls the Kinzhal missile «hypersonic». I call it an aeroballistic missile. Any missile traveling at 4,000+ kilometers per hour can be considered hypersonic. X-22, among others… They (the Russians – Ed.) came up with this term – hypersonics. Otherwise, it’s an aeroballistic missile», — Colonel Ihnat explained.


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