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Germany gives Ukraine a large package of military aid: details


Germany has handed over another package of military aid to Ukraine, which includes HIMARS missile systems, air defense equipment, and tanks.

The list has been updated on the federal government’s website.

In particular, Ukraine received:

  • Three HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems
  • 20 Marder armored personnel carriers
  • 10 Leopard 1 A5 tanks
  • Ammunition for Marder and Leopard 1 A5
  • One battery of IRIS-T SLM medium-range air defense systems
  • Two IRIS-T SLS launchers
  • 21,000 155-mm caliber shells
  • Four anti-drone jammers
  • Two Beaver bridge pavers
  • Two 2A1 Dachs tracked engineering vehicles with spare parts
  • One Bergepanzer 2 armored repair and recovery vehicle with spare parts
  • Four Wisent 1 armored demining vehicles
  • Materials for explosive ordnance disposal
  • Three sets of onboard missile defense systems for AMPS helicopters
  • Night vision devices
  • IT equipment
  • Zetros tanker trucks
  • 100 MK 556 assault rifles
  • 85 HLR 338 sniper rifles with 180,000 rounds of ammunition
  • 100 CR 308 rifles
  • Four million rounds of ammunition for firearms
  • Rescue boats

In total, the German government has provided or pledged to provide military aid to Ukraine amounting to approximately 28 billion euros.

Earlier, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said that Germany has already transferred a quarter of its own stockpile of these weapons to Ukraine, including the third Patriot air defense system to be delivered soon.


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