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Zelensky presents a victory plan for Harris


In Washington, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris. He presented her with a victory plan.

This was reported by the President’s Office.

«It is very important for us to be fully understood and work in full coordination with the United States. This morning I spoke with congressmen from both houses, both parties. I am grateful for the bipartisan support. We believe that this war can be won, and a just peace can only come closer with the United States», — Zelensky said.

Additionally, the President discussed the latest developments on the battlefield. These include the operation in the Kursk region and Russian attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure.

He called for strengthening Ukraine’s air defense and increasing pressure on Russia.

Kamala Harris noted that this was her seventh meeting with Zelensky and assured him of the United States’ unwavering support. According to her, the U.S. will continue to provide the security assistance necessary for Ukraine’s victory.

«We must defend our democratic values and stand up to aggressors. We must uphold the international order, rules, and norms. Each of these principles is at stake in Ukraine, which is why Ukraine’s struggle matters to the American people», — the U.S. Vice President said.

Zelensky and Biden

As a reminder, during his visit to the United States, Zelensky met with President Joe Biden to discuss the Ukrainian President’s victory plan.

«During the meeting with President Biden, I presented him with the Victory Plan. We discussed details to strengthen the plan, coordinated our positions, views, and approaches. We instructed our teams to hold consultations on the next steps.»

The President’s Office noted that Biden will convene a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Germany, at the leadership level. There, the presidents of Ukraine and the United States will meet bilaterally to review the progress of consultations. They will also coordinate additional assistance for Ukraine with international partners.

A plan for victory

Earlier, Zelensky stated that the plan for Ukraine’s victory in the war is designed to ensure that partners make several quick decisions by the end of the year. According to him, the success of the plan depends on this.

«We would like that very much. Then we believe that the plan will work», — he said.

Zelensky also emphasized his hope that the U.S. President would support his plan. According to him, the success of the plan depends on quick decisions made by partners between October and December of this year.

The President mentioned that he was asked about a Plan B, which would allegedly be necessary if Biden does not support the «main victory plan.» Zelensky replied, «We are already in Plan B, we are living and fighting in it.»

  • Ukraine has never had a Plan A, the President noted, adding that such a plan would have prevented a full-scale Russian invasion.

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