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20 Days in Mariupol won Oscar in the Documentary Feature Film category

20 Days in Mariupol won Oscar in the Documentary Feature Film category

A dictation in the Crimean Tatar language is set to take place in Crimea on International Mother Language Day

A dictation in the Crimean Tatar language is set to take place in Crimea on International Mother Language Day

Today, Ukraine commemorates the heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

Today, Ukraine commemorates the heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

Ukrainians have chosen the best postage stamp of 2023

Ukrainians have chosen the best postage stamp of 2023

Ukrainian film «20 Days in Mariupol» nominated for Oscar in the category «Best Documentary Feature Film»

Ukrainian film «20 Days in Mariupol» nominated for Oscar in the category «Best Documentary Feature Film»

Historian: «Human Chain» of 1990 demonstrated that, despite the USSR's bans, we had a memory of the Ukrainian revolution

Historian: «Human Chain» of 1990 demonstrated that, despite the USSR's bans, we had a memory of the Ukrainian revolution

Evgeny Afineevsky: «If we forget about the war in Ukraine, we’ll have the end of the world tomorrow»

Evgeny Afineevsky: «If we forget about the war in Ukraine, we’ll have the end of the world tomorrow»

A documentary, focusing on the defenders of Ukraine from Crimea, was presented in Kyiv

A documentary, focusing on the defenders of Ukraine from Crimea, was presented in Kyiv

We're stronger together: Volunteer Yulia Troyan on psychological connection to the military

We're stronger together: Volunteer Yulia Troyan on psychological connection to the military

How UNESCO supports Ukraine in preserving and protecting culture heritage during the war?

How UNESCO supports Ukraine in preserving and protecting culture heritage during the war?

2022 helped Ukrainians to overcome the inferiority complex — Volodymyr Yermolenko

2022 helped Ukrainians to overcome the inferiority complex — Volodymyr Yermolenko

In the US, there are many yellow and blue flags on houses, and cars with the inscription 'Russian ship go *explicit* yourself'

In the US, there are many yellow and blue flags on houses, and cars with the inscription 'Russian ship go *explicit* yourself'

We are finally moving away from russia’s propaganda of a 'united nation of three' — political analyst

We are finally moving away from russia’s propaganda of a 'united nation of three' — political analyst

For russians, the cultural war has always been and remains one of utmost importance — artist and curator

For russians, the cultural war has always been and remains one of utmost importance — artist and curator

Ukrainians and Jews are two groups of people for whom historical traumas of destruction are common — Borys Khersonskyi

Ukrainians and Jews are two groups of people for whom historical traumas of destruction are common — Borys Khersonskyi

“Stalin became interested in the Jewish question closer to his death in 1953”— says historian

“Stalin became interested in the Jewish question closer to his death in 1953”— says historian

You come out of positions with your hands full of everything that explodes and kills — says Netyosov, about search operations at battle sites in the Kyiv region

You come out of positions with your hands full of everything that explodes and kills — says Netyosov, about search operations at battle sites in the Kyiv region

russia is not just destroying cities, but it is also systematically destroying thousands of years of Ukrainian cultural heritage — Ukrainian Institute

russia is not just destroying cities, but it is also systematically destroying thousands of years of Ukrainian cultural heritage — Ukrainian Institute

The Soviet Union killed millions of people so that Ukrainians would not know their own art, and the colonization of Ukrainian culture is still taking place

The Soviet Union killed millions of people so that Ukrainians would not know their own art, and the colonization of Ukrainian culture is still taking place

First comes Pushkin, then comes Pushky (russian word for guns) — Vakhtang Kebuladze

First comes Pushkin, then comes Pushky (russian word for guns) — Vakhtang Kebuladze