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Audio News


Ukrainian drones: we need to create recruitment for the engineering profession — aviation expert


The blast wave reached the people in the shelter — a correspondent about the shelling of Nova Poshta in Kharkiv


Journalist: In New York, Donetsk Region, people talk about a large number of deaths, which has increased over the past week


Political expert: Security agreement between Ukraine and the EU is an attempt to fix long-term relations


Ukrainian defenders released from Russian captivity tell about violations of their rights


President approves the decision to create Unmanned Systems Forces within the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Lawyer: European Court of Human Rights judgement on Crimea may prompt ICC to issue warrants for crimes committed before 2022


Occupiers lose another 1220 over 24 hours


Ukraine wins case against Russia in the European Court of Human Rights


The 14th package of EU sanctions does not close all the loopholes through which Russia bypasses restrictions — MP


Official negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU begin today


Occupiers lose another 1180 over 24 hours

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Massacre in Bucha, end of peaceful life in Europe and lack of justice in Ukraine

Massacre in Bucha, end of peaceful life in Europe and lack of justice in Ukraine

Accusations of «terrorism» and a plot for propaganda TV: Russians kidnap a Melitopol civilian

Accusations of «terrorism» and a plot for propaganda TV: Russians kidnap a Melitopol civilian

Is it possible to bring those responsible for abductions of civilians to justice?

Is it possible to bring those responsible for abductions of civilians to justice?

Ukrainian drones: we need to create recruitment for the engineering profession — aviation expert

Ukrainian drones: we need to create recruitment for the engineering profession — aviation expert

2 h ago
Resilience and Reflection: Reviving Ukraine Calling Amidst Shifting Tides
30 min

Resilience and Reflection: Reviving Ukraine Calling Amidst Shifting Tides

Free our relatives

Free our relatives

42 episodes
Last Episode
Russians admit they are holding him without any grounds — wife of civilian abducted from Bucha
Episode from

Free our relatives

Ukraine Calling

Ukraine Calling

168 episodes
Last Episode
Massacre in Bucha, end of peaceful life in Europe and lack of justice in Ukraine
Episode from
37 min

Ukraine Calling

Most interesting news from Ukraine

Most interesting news from Ukraine

9 episodes
Last Episode
Most interesting news from Ukraine on June 29, 2023
Episode from
1 min

Most interesting news from Ukraine


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SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA: how cinema helps different communities to understand each other?

SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA: how cinema helps different communities to understand each other?

«We`ve always been told that good prevails over evil» — letters from pupils to children in occupation

«We`ve always been told that good prevails over evil» — letters from pupils to children in occupation

Boychuk's Clean-Up: How Debris from the Academy, Destroyed by a Russian Missile, Was Cleared

Boychuk's Clean-Up: How Debris from the Academy, Destroyed by a Russian Missile, Was Cleared

I never thought that war was possible in the XXI century. I was wrong

I never thought that war was possible in the XXI century. I was wrong

Editor's Choice

russia is not only fighting the Ukrainian army, but also the Ukrainian nation, but it is impossible to defeat the nation — professor Lydia Smola

russia is not only fighting the Ukrainian army, but also the Ukrainian nation, but it is impossible to defeat the nation — professor Lydia Smola

The Soviet Union killed millions of people so that Ukrainians would not know their own art, and the colonization of Ukrainian culture is still taking place

The Soviet Union killed millions of people so that Ukrainians would not know their own art, and the colonization of Ukrainian culture is still taking place

A month before his death, Hena told his grandmother: «I want you to live to see the Ukraine I dream of» — Olha Afanasieva

A month before his death, Hena told his grandmother: «I want you to live to see the Ukraine I dream of» — Olha Afanasieva

Evgeny Afineevsky: «If we forget about the war in Ukraine, we’ll have the end of the world tomorrow»

Evgeny Afineevsky: «If we forget about the war in Ukraine, we’ll have the end of the world tomorrow»

Last Video

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Для України звільнення її людей — гуманітарна місія, для ворога — інструмент впливу / Петро Яценко
42 min

Для України звільнення її людей — гуманітарна місія, для ворога — інструмент впливу / Петро Яценко

Про що свідчить звільнення за півтори доби генерала Содоля? | Коментар політолога
13 min

Про що свідчить звільнення за півтори доби генерала Содоля? | Коментар політолога

Голодомор, депортація кримських татар та циклічність історії: чому ми не чекали нападу РФ? | Галімов
53 min

Голодомор, депортація кримських татар та циклічність історії: чому ми не чекали нападу РФ? | Галімов

Hromadske Radio Frequencies

After February 24, with the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, these HR broadcasters on the east are either captured by occupiers or destroyed
FM Frequencies in Different Cities
  • Kyiv
    99,4 FM
  • Kherson
    94,4 FM
  • Zorynivka
    103,70 FM
  • Lysychansk
    87,70 FM
  • Nikopol
    91,5 FM
  • Volnovaha
    103.8 FM
  • Mariupol
    89,1 FM
  • Bilolutsk
    100,00 FM
  • Girnyk
    91,4 FM
  • Mykolaiv
    88,3 FM
  • Kramatorsk
    90,9 FM
  • Bilovodsk
    92,6 FM
  • Starobilsk
    90,20 FM
  • Bakhmutivka
    98,1 FM
  • Chernihiv
    105,9 FM
  • Sumy
    88,6 FM
After February 24, with the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, these HR broadcasters on the east are either captured by occupiers or destroyed