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In Mariupol occupiers are changing Ukrainian signs to Russian while people have nothing to eat – Andryushchenko


In the blocked and destroyed Mariupol, the russian occupiers are changing the signs to Russian, while the people who remained in the city are without water, enough food and medicine, reported adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko.

The Russians returned the GAI, which reports to the DNR Ministry of Internal Affairs, and changed the directions to Russian.

«The occupiers destroyed our city, killed 20,000 people, and now they are changing directions. People with their problems will wait. Meanwhile in Mariupol of the Middle Ages. Residents without water, enough food, medicine. There is no light and normal communication, Andryushchenko stressed.


Despite this, «Mariupol was, is and will be a Ukrainian city, so that Russians do not fantasize there,» said the mayor’s adviser.

The Russian occupiers want to hold a «parade» in the city on May 9. To do this, the locals continue to dismantle the debris. Also, they plan to disguise civilian men in the uniform of the Armed Forces and take them to the «parade of prisoners”

According to intelligence, the first deputy head of the Russian presidential administration, responsible for Russia’s domestic policy, Sergei Kiriyenko, visited Mariupol to prepare for the «ceremonial events.» Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov also visited the city.

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